

Sabado, Marso 22, 2014

How to Live the Difference Between Money & Wealth""

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When you consider how many people seem to have money, they aren't the same as the people who are wealthy. The distinction is worth considering. Money is a symbol, often an empty one. Weapons, pornography, and gambling will always make money, because greed, fear, and sex are permanent. Wealth, on the other hand, is based on values. If you can fulfill a value as it arises from society, the opportunity for wealth is made possible.

Wealth circulates, keeping a society vital and alive. After Spain plundered the New World, it captured an enormous horde of gold and silver, but within a century its economy collapsed. Greed and inflation were a deadly combination, but at heart the habit of hoarding seems to have been the real culprit. A monied economy never turned into a wealthy one. In the Great Depression and the recent Great Recession, vast sums of money sat on the sidelines, doing nothing to invest, renew the economy, or aid the unemployed. As a result, even though the world was awash in money, people felt insecure and hopeless - they lived by the psychology of poverty, not wealth.

I'm not preaching the evils of money - symbols can be interpreted any way one chooses. They are essentially empty on their own. But a psychology of wealth needs to be present for success to truly matter. You are in a wealth mode when any of the following are present:
  • You fulfill a worthy need.
  • You are the steward of money, not its slave or master.
  • You deliver the greatest good to the greatest number.
  • You benefit the planet rather than despoil it.
  • You add to the meaning and purpose of life, both your life and the life of others.

Wealth gives us a reason to forgive the wrongs inflicted by callous, greedy money. I realize that this is a tall order. The wounds suffered by ordinary people at the hands of monied people are grievous. The widening gap between the haves and have nots isn't value neutral, although various factions would like to portray it that way. To be on the right side of a value system is a mark of wealth, which is one reason benefactors are honored long after the greedy are forgotten

ONE WORLD: Paul Scialla & Deepak Chopra

Paul Scialla, former Partner at Goldman Sachs for the past 10 years interest in both altruistic capitalism and in sustainability led him to found Delos, the pioneer of Wellness Real Estate.
At this moment the graduates of prestigious colleges are flocking to Wall Street, one reads, in great numbers if they can get there. The shared aim of these young people is to make a few million by the time they are twenty-four or twenty-five, after which they intend to abandon filthy lucre to live better lives. This phenomenon is what it is. But I hope that someone teaches young people that there is such a thing as capitalism with a conscience, inspiring them to work with wealth as their personal goal, not simply money. The values of a globalized economy and the challenge of revamping the system that has so deeply harmed the planet depends on each generation redefining its values and in so doing finding new avenues for wealth.

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